
Climate Talks Blog

Student Experience at COP Aug, 2022

Renewed Inspiration at Bonn Climate Conference

Eleanor Partington, 22C, found renewed inspiration at the Bonn Climate Conference. Her takeaway from Bonn: familiarize yourself with climate basics but don’t get bogged down with UN terminology or technicalities.

Food & Agriculture Jun, 2022

Climate Solutions Help Farmers and Livestock—and Taste Good Too

The nationally recognized White Oak Pastures represents an alternative vision of farming that focuses on enhancing soil and ecosystem health, reducing the impact of climate change, and correcting the harm of industrial agriculture. Jordan Hasty 20Ox, 23C, spent a week at White Oak Pastures with the Center for Agricultural Resilience in March 2022.

Climate Policy Mar, 2022

President Fenves, We’re Still Waiting on Climate Action.

Emory student activists are stepping up to hold the university accountable on climate change. However, this global catastrophe is too complex and deeply rooted for students to make gains on our own. We need buy-in and collaboration from Emory’s decision-makers.

Climate Science Jan, 2022

Corals VS. Climate Change

Despite only taking up about 2% of our ocean’s surface area, coral reefs provide shelter to up to a quarter of all marine species. The biodiversity that arises from these ecosystems is breathtaking. Unfortunately, factors such as climate change are driving these animals to extinction.

Food & Agriculture Nov, 2021

Don’t Table Food Waste in Climate Conversations!

After dinner, it’s easy to scrape your last few bites into the trash can without a second thought. Although those scraps may seem insignificant, your food waste, plus the food wasted at the pre-consumer stages of the food supply chain, add up: each year, about one-third of the global food production is lost or wasted.

Student Experience at COP Sep, 2021


An Emory team of young climate activists breaking new ground in the widening world of podcasting

Climate Policy Jul, 2021

Carbon neutral?

Have you ever taken one of those quizzes like the one on the Environmental Protection Agency’s website to compare your carbon footprint to that of the rest of the world? Maybe your lifestyle is relatively eco-friendly: you could be vegan, riding your bike to work every day, and recycling all of your plastics. Yet there you are, staring at your results on the screen, wondering why your carbon footprint is still so high. The truth is, it’s nearly impossible to live an absolutely carbon neutral life when we literally exhale carbon dioxide with every breath we take.