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Vicki Arroyo (C’85), Professor from Practice; Executive Director, Georgetown Climate Center

Vicki Arroyo

Vicki Arroyo is the Executive Director of the Georgetown Climate Center based at Georgetown University Law Center, where she is also a Professor from Practice. Professor Arroyo serves as Special Advisor to the President of Georgetown University.

Professor Arroyo oversees the Georgetown Climate Center’s work at the nexus of climate and energy policy, supervising staff and student work on climate mitigation and adaptation at the state and federal level. She teaches “experiential” environmental law courses to both law and public policy students.

Our Journey to a Clean Energy Economy

James Marlow, CEO and Founder, Clean Energy Advisors

James Marlow has extensive technology marketing, business development and policy experience. He has worked with Computerland, Lotus Development, IBM, and Yahoo!. He was the founder of two startups – Internet startup, AnythingSouthern.com, and CEO and Co-Founder of radiance Solar, he was a candidate for United States Congress in the 10th District of Georgia. He was part of 11 new business initiatives at Lotus Development and IBM. He is a graduate of Georgia Southern University and has completed the Georgia Tech Mid-Career Management Program. He has worked directly in the development, engineering, design, construction, and operations and maintenance of over 350 solar PV and energy storage projects at every scale. He served on the Board of Directors for the Georgia Solar Energy Industry Association, Georgia Chamber of Commerce Energy and Environment Committee and has been a founding Board Member and Vice Chairman of the Georgia Solar Energy Association.

Jeff Foote, Principal, Southface Institute

Jeff Foote

As a Principal Consultant at Southface Institute, Mr. Jeff Foote works on BIT Building, a program designed for facility operators to guide them in the  implementation of performance improvements including energy efficiency; and EarthCraft, which provides training to builders, realtors and property managers that will enable the construction of properties that use 30% less energy. Mr. Foote has many years of experience working on different issues, including circular economy, clean-tech investments and corporate sustainability strategy, refrigeration and water stewardship. In addition to Southface Institute, Mr. Foote has also worked for 20 years at the Coca-Cola Company as well.

Shan Arora (96C, 99L), Director, Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design

Shan Arora (96C, 99L)

Mr. Shan Arora is the Director of The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Kendeda Building is a multi-disciplinary, non-departmental education building. It is pursuing the Living Building Challenge – the world’s most ambitious building performance standard. As the first regenerative building of its scale in the Southeastern United States, the building sets a new standard for design and construction in a region known for temperature extremes and humidity. The project’s goal is to transform the built environment in the Southeast by advancing innovation, and by showcasing synergies between environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic development. Mr. Arora is currently on the Board of Directors of Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, a nonprofit that engages communities of faith in stewardship of Creation as a religious response to climate change, resource depletion, environmental injustice, pollution, and other disruptions in Creation.