Oxford Study Abroad Program

We are excited to announce the launch of the Emory Climate Science Fellowship at the University of Oxford, UK


Join students from across the country in a five-week academic program designed and taught by Fellows and Tutors at one of the world's most prestigious universities. This program is designed to offer students a direct experience of Oxford's approach to university education. The Emory Climate Science Fellowship will cover program fees as well as the flight to the UK associated with the program.


June 29 - August 3, 2024

You will stay in Magdalen College, one of Oxford’s most magnificent Colleges in terms of its historical origins, architecture and grounds. Founded by the Bishop of Winchester and Chancellor of England, William Waynflete, in 1458 during the reign of Henry VI, it is located at the eastern end of Oxford’s High Street, immediately adjacent to Magdalen Bridge over the River Cherwell and its water-meadows.

Students will participate in one of two courses focused on environmental change:
  • Climate Change in the Anthropocene: Global Catastrophic Risk & Resilience
  • Environmental Change & British Landscape Development: 11,500 BP ~ 1700 AD/CE

You can read more about course offerings on the Oxford website or in great detail in the course description.. Both programs include participation in a 4-day field excursion in Wales to explore the ways in which British landscapes have changed through time.


You can submit your application at this link. Applications are due on January 20th 2024. Interviews will take place during the first week of February.


  • Will the courses be different from Emory?Academic courses are taught through an integrated program of tutorials, seminars, and lectures, with the weekly tutorial at the heart of every course. During this tutorial a small group of 1-5 students discuss papers, written by them in advance, with their tutor. Seminars bring together larger groups of 8-10 students to participate in more general discussions.
  • How many credits will I receive and how does this credit transfer back to Emory? Participation in one of the environmental courses plus the 4-day field excursion is worth eight Emory credits. Because this is a non-Emory study abroad program, you will bring these credits back as transfer credits from the University of Oxford. This means you cannot use these credits to count for specific Emory courses.
  • How much will it cost? Program fees (including the 4-day field excursion) and the flight to the UK are covered by the Fellowship. Any personal travel outside of program excursions will be funded by the Fellow.
  • Can Seniors apply? Fellows must come back to Emory for at least one semester after participation in the program.
  • Can I participate in one of the other programs (Medieval Studies or English)? No, we ask our students to participate in one of the environmental studies options; however, you will benefit from spending time with students and Fellows from the other programs and will hear from several experts in these areas over the course of the program.
  • Do I need a Visa to apply? US citizens and citizens of most other countries do not need a visa to participate (you can check here). But you do need a passport, which can take some time to receive, so plan accordingly.
  • Where can I learn more about the program? You can read more about the program on the Oxford website or read a general overview in the program brochure.

If you have specific questions about the program, you can email Dr. Burchfield at emily.burchfield@emory.edu