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Gender and Diverse Voices at COP27

World leaders face mounting pressure to address more effectively the unequal vulnerability of women to the deepening climate crisis. At United Nations negotiations in recent years, women activists have urged broader gender equality and women’s leadership in launching new climate initiatives. Recent Emory graduates Prachi Prasad and Danni Dong interviewed delegates about the role of women and diverse voices at COP27 or the 27th UN Conference of the Parties held in Egypt in November 2022. That activism has set the stage for expanding women’s participation at COP28 that meets in Dubai November 30-December 12, 2023.

Introduction to Gender and Climate Change,” UNFCC, gender and women at COP28

The following are some of the female-led advocacy groups participating in the UN negotiations:

This episode includes several music sound clips recorded at the Indigenous People’s Pavilion at COP27(the 27th UN Conference of the Parties,) Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 2022.

COP27 Conversations: Pay Up Now for Loss and Damage to Human Health

How is climate change disproportionately impacting global health, and how should these damages be compensated? Join Margaret and Clare, two public health students at Emory University, to explore these questions by interviewing delegates from developing nations at the UNFCCC's 27th Conference of the Parties. The interviews were recorded in November 2022, and this episode is being released one year later to commemorate the life of Dr. Saleemul Huq, who recently passed away and is featured prominently in the episode.


First, Do No Harm: The Role of Healthcare in Climate Action

“First, do no harm.”

These words are part of the oath taken by doctors, as they pledge to avoid intentionally harming another person. But as the climate change crisis grows more urgent and the contribution of healthcare systems to the problem becomes clearer, this oath raises questions.

In this episode, Lauren Balotin and Meg Withers discuss the role of healthcare in climate action and sustainability. The episode features interviews with Dr. Shanda Demorest, the Associate Director of Climate Engagement and Education at Health Care Without Harm, and Dr. Adam Klein, Professor in Emory University’s School of Medicine. Dr. Demorest and Dr. Klein discuss how they discovered their passions for sustainability as healthcare providers, what barriers healthcare organizations face in climate action, and how healthcare systems can strengthen climate commitments.

Additional resources:

Credits: Music by Coma-Media on Pixabay

Enrolled in Coal: University Divestment from Fossil Fuels

You may have heard recent news about a growing list of American universities that are deciding to remove their investments in fossil fuel companies. This was no self-motivated act: students across the US have been charging for divestment for over a decade. In fact, a year ago students from several schools combined efforts to launch legal complaints against their universities for their financial entanglement with the fossil fuel industry. So how did we get here, and what work is left to do within higher education beyond divestment? Join Emory alumni Halle Bradshaw (‘18C, ‘19G) and Tyler Stern (‘16C) as they learn more about student divestment campaigns, their new legal strategy, and a wrinkle in investment practices that leads them back to their alma mater.

Interviews with Jade Woods, Alex Mardquat, and Peter Scott

Learn more about Climate Defense Project

Carbon Capture

In this week’s student-produced episode, Leah Hartung, Jackson Pentz, and Ellie Sulser discuss the state of the green energy transition in the United States. They explore the move from coal to solar power and interview a variety of experts making an impact in the field of renewable energy.